Building an Agile Roadmap: How To Successfully Build One

An Agile roadmap is an overarching blueprint used to map ideas, create product strategies, align stakeholders and customers, and secure funding for product development. It provides comprehensive timelines for the primary components of the task. In the article, let us learn more about how to successfully create an agile roadmap.

Visual PMP Academy
March 9, 2024

What is an Agile Roadmap? 

An Agile product roadmap is an overarching blueprint used to map ideas, create product strategies, align stakeholders and customers, and secure funding for product development.  It provides comprehensive timelines for the primary components of the task—what you intend to produce and when you want it to be delivered.

Utilize the product roadmap to evaluate requirements, classify them, find any gaps, and decide which order to deliver them to the client.

With assistance from stakeholders and the development team, the product owner drafts the product roadmap.

How to Build an Agile Roadmap

Making a plan that works might be challenging when things change frequently and ideas for new goods are continually developing. It's okay because this allows you to customize your requirements very finely.

The following outline illustrates the brief phases of developing a product roadmap that facilitates learning and fast adaptation to modifications.

1. Determine the stakeholders.

Talk to the stakeholders that are currently involved to get their input on the features you should develop to carry out the vision. When creating your product roadmap, you also need to take the following people's feedback into account:

  • Department of Marketing
  • Customer Support
  • Department of Sales
  • Legal Division
  • Potential Clientele

2. Enumerate and illustrate the product requirements and vision.

Sort the requirements for the product according to dependence, value, and risk. Describe features that highlight user or business issues. Describe the issue and its root cause here. Enable product teams to comprehend the rationale behind the requirements for the goods or services needed to fulfill the strategic objectives of gaining and keeping users, making money, raising engagement, etc.

Clearly state the goal and explain how the product will help the firm achieve its overall objectives. The team leading the project can comprehend the product direction and help make it a reality and success when there is a clear definition of the product vision.

A successful product vision:

  • Determines precise and targeted product objectives
  • Connects the organization's strategy to the value of the product
  • Describes the product's users
  • Is captivating

3. Establish comprehensive timelines for the release of feature sets to clients.

Select a sensible time interval for your product development for the first roadmap, such as a specific number of days, weeks, months, quarters, or greater increments. Your timelines for releasing product requirements are set very high when you build your plan.

4. Make the roadmap visible and respond to change.

Communicate, evaluate, and make adjustments as often as necessary. When a roadmap is finished, share it with the product team to help them better understand the goals and milestones of the project and to gain their input on the product's direction. The roadmap should be updated frequently by the product manager or owner to ensure that the team finishes work on schedule.   


The roadmap must be designed with equal emphasis on short-term strategies and strategic, long-term goals, and it must be backed by a framework that enables the tracking and handling of consumer input for it to continue performing its function. Setting up regular review and prioritizing periods is one way to make sure the product roadmap is updated to reflect the most recent status of the roadmap. Depending on the product's maturity and the rate of change in the market or industry, the frequency of review can be set at the end of the quarter, every month, or about a particular release's performance.

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